Sunday, May 30, 2010

verbal restraint

Most recent art piece, done with charcoal on 18x24" drawing paper. Being assertive with my speech seems to be a weak point of mine, resulting in not getting my opinions voiced despite my attempts. Eloquence also eludes me at times and I say things a little too blatantly, sometimes regretting it later. This piece represents both things - the restraint I need to put on my own tongue, and the ball & chain my environment puts on it.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Today I made a hemp bracelet and necklace. I've made 3 successful hemp
things so far and about 3 unsuccessful ones before that, so I think I'm
getting the hang of it now. Still figuring out better ways to tie off the
end when I finish the square knotting...

Blueberry pancakes and chocolate(cocoa)/peanutbutter pancakes
for the fam.