Prior to the Fall classes starting, I was amped to have the opportunity to line up a mural project with my first mural client! After completion of the beach mural that I did in my parents' house, I was feeling all mural-driven and wanted to paint walls, indoors or out!
This new mural posed many new obstacles - creating an original design (the main guideline being "patriotic"), transferring and scaling the design to fit the (approx. 60 ft wide, asymmetrical) wall, learning about exterior paint (and to be sure to specify exterior when purchasing, because they won't always ask!) and other things.
Awesome things that happened were that dozens of people walking or driving by gave the nicest compliments as they passed. People took pictures. I got to see what it was like to stand and climb on two-story-high scaffolding even though the getting down part took some fear-facing strategies. The guy I was working for was very easy to work with. And I got to be outdoors a lot on some of the prettiest days of the year.. fall is a pretty time.
Not so awesome things that happened includes spilling a nearly-full gallon of gray paint in my car trunk during the first week, and accidentally starting off the mural with interior paint (that's what happens when you think walmart employees will read your mind).
The painting began in early October and was completed right before the end of November.
(pictures of just-beginning-to-be-primed wall)
(me at work, naturally)
And here's what one might see if they were to drive by it (in the late afternoon with the windows across the street causing sun-reflections on it...)
All done!

You sure left your mark on Morehead. Great Job.
for sure! and it left its mark on me as well.
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